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Do you want to learn how I create a short-form food video from start to finish?

I've been sharing my baking creations for more than five years on my Instagram Account @tamarasbakings. It all started with pictures but slowly, I transitioned into short-form videos, aka Reels.

In the beginning, I made them very detailed and experimented with different settings in my home, various backdrops and camera angles, editing techniques, etc. but over time I created an effective way to film my Reels and now I am sharing multiple ones per month.

Since I have the best followers in the world, I often get comments on how nice my editing is or how beautifully filmed my videos are. And I do pay close attention to the little details, like props and decor items, camera angles, and creating interest, so people genuinely want to watch my videos.

This all being said, I think it is time to show you how I create my "bake with me"-Reels. And that is why I created a Skillshare course to teach you exactly that!

In case you've never heard of Skillshare before, it is an online learning platform, where teachers from around the world share their knowledge on a particular topic. You can find courses for photography, productivity hacks and even hand-lettering. 

Each course also has its own project, which the participants can share with other students in the project gallery.

I love Skillshare because the courses are divided into small segments, so you can watch them at your own pace and connect with students with similar interests.

But now I want to talk a little bit more about my Skillshare course. It is called "From Setup to Upload - A Beginner's Guide to short-form food Videos". I divided the course into all the different aspects that are necessary for a short-form food video: Scenery Setup, Props & Decor Items, Camera Settings, Lighting, Editing, and Uploading to Instagram.

My course is designed for beginners, people who feel intimidated by the idea of filming a video, or people who have experience in food photography and want to start learning more about videography.

I share my tips and tricks with you, for example how I structure a shooting process, or what I do on gray and rainy days to make my videos bright and beautiful. 

The editing process that I show you can be made with the CapCut App on your Phone ( I am even using the free version, so no excuses here!). I guide you step by step through my own editing process with a real example and my thoughts on music, fonts, and voiceovers.

Also, you get to see some behind-the-scenes, and obviously delicious bakes!

In case you're interested now, I would be very happy if you could check out my Skillshare course here.

With this link, you'll get a 30-day free trail, instead of a 7-day one, so make sure you take advantage of that!

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